In The News

NCAA Moves Forward With Endorsement Rules For Student-Athletes

College athletes may soon be able to sign shoe deals and be paid for the use of their likeness.

The NCAA Board of Governors unanimously voted Tuesday to set a process in motion to allow student-athletes to earn income similar to how Olympic athletes are supported by endorsement deals.

The move comes as the states of Illinois and New York consider a proposed law similar to one signed by California’s governor last month. That law allows student-athletes to legally hire agents and sign endorsement deals while playing college sports.

To make sense of what this means, The Show spoke with Ken Shropshire, a professor and CEO of the Global Sport Institute at Arizona State University.

New strength in survival

"Cancer draws a line across a life: before diagnosis, and after. Who you were then, and who you are now. For many, who they are now might be a surprise. They are people who navigate river rapids, jump off cliffs and paddle dragon boats in foreign waters — even if they didn’t consider themselves athletes before." 

Written by Allison Torres Burtka; top photo by Jarod Opperman. A version of this story was originally published on GlobalSport Matters, a joint initiative between ASU’s Global Sport Institute and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Read more stories about sport at

ASU Global Sport Institute launches new 'body' of research

"Without the human body, sport as we know it would not exist. This year, the Global Sport Institute at Arizona State University has made it its mission to explore that relationship from a variety of angles as diverse as adaptive sport, gender identity and representation, body image, mental health and genetic testing.

At a luncheon on the Tempe campus Aug. 29, Scott Brooks, director of research at the institute, announced the theme of this year as “Sport and the Body.”

Brooks told the crowd he hopes to see the institute expand and collaborate more across disciplines to gain exciting perspectives and fresh insights.

Since its launch in 2017, the Global Sport Institute has also explored the future of sport and sport and race as research themes.

In line with this year’s focus on sport and the body, the institute will be hosting “Sport For Every Body: Celebrating Family Health and Fitness” along with Ability360 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Ability360 Sports and Fitness Center at 5031 E. Washington St. in Phoenix."